Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pretty in Pink 05

6.5 " X 6.5"
Oil Sticks
I am stuck on pink for some reason. I have cut some art board down to 6.5 X 6.5". It's pretty hard for me to do with my elbows locking and hurting so much. There has to be an easier way to cut these art boards without a blade. A scissor is horrible too. Anyway, I made my first viewfinder! Trying to get proportion  right but it feels too scientific for me. Something which I am not!  But I love the different views I get! I made several viewfinders in various sizes. I am getting the painting a figure bug again. I am thinking of taping the 6 X 6 viewfinder I made to a reference photo and have a go at it. I haven't done figures in so long, I am quite nervous. I just have to remember that they are shapes, just like this cup above. I like my cup. I feel I want to work on it some more, but I promised myself to stop and not go back to the painting. I want to see my improvements in a year and fiddling with it, is cheating. So, I am wrapping it up and putting it away as it is fully dry. I am finding that these Shiva oil sticks are not drying to the touch for me within 24 hours. It's my fault as I put it on very, very thick! But I like to move the paint around and scrape off with my palette knife.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Plum Orange 04

Oil Sticks
The flowers came easy. But oh, the color of the vase was so hard. I scraped off the color two times before got the color I liked. I find purple a hard color to match. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Friendship 03

3 1/2' X 4" Painted border
Oil Sticks
After I painted this, I just didn't like it with a plain white border. I painted the border to match the painting. I like it so much better now. The edge of the border shows through, which I like too. It gives it more texture in my humble opinion. Its small enough to place the painting on a small display. I love windows.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Come On In 02

5 X 7 with 1/4 inch border
Oil Sticks


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Beginnings 01

4 3/4" X 6 3/4" with 1/4" border
Oil Sticks on Paper

 These sunflowers in a vase were painted with Shiva Paintstiks. I love the ease of these oil sticks.